School Council

As we head towards the end of the school year and the holiday period, the School Council continues to meet to discuss and plan for improvement and progress at TPS. All of our meetings, this year, have been online and many projects have been stalled my lockdowns and restrictions but advocating for our community has remained the focus of our attention. Progress has been made in many areas of the school but there is more to be done, so 2022 is shaping up to be an exciting year at our school. 


The TPS School Council is made up of a mixture of parent and staff members however meetings are open to everyone in the TPS community. The School Council warmly encourages you all to come along to our meetings to observe, raise questions or share ideas. Alternatively, you can contact the School Council, in writing, and your correspondence will be addressed at the next meeting. The email address of Council is however you can also write to us and drop your letter off at the school reception. Hopefully, in 2022, we will return to school-based meetings and be able to welcome visitors to our meetings on-site. Also, if you are interested in getting more involved in specific areas of the school, there are several sub-committees that meet and everyone is welcome to attend. TPS Sub-Committees are Finance, Education, Environment, Social, Communications, OSHC and Buildings and Grounds.


School Council have been busy advocating for funding to improve the student bathrooms, which are in desperate need of attention, to make them safe and more hygienic for our children. Members of Council have been meeting with our local State MP, Kat Theophaneous to assist in escalating the issue to the CEO of the Victorian School Building Authority. We would like to thank the many families who have been active on social media or writing to elected representatives to highlight the need for action on this. Hopefully this issue will be resolved soon.


Many of you may have seen, in recent weeks, the City of Darebin’s campaign, Your Street, Your Say. The Your Street, Your Say project is our chance to tell the local council how they can improve local streets for people who live, work, study or travel through Darebin. Given the location of our school and the amount of traffic that passes by the front door each day, the TPS School Council encourages members of our community to take the opportunity to pinpoint ways we could make the streets around our school safer. To find out more, please go to the City of Darebin website and search for Your Street, Your Say, if you have not done so already.


TPS School Council would like to wish all members of our school community a happy holiday season. After such a busy, and at times, challenging year may we all enjoy some time relaxing and appreciating the slower pace of the school holiday. Stay safe and see you all in 2022.

End of Year BBQ

Monday 6th December - 3.30 - 5.30pm

Cake stall – BBQ – Plant stall – Raffle 


This BBQ is made possible by family and friends of the following classes:

Prep A, Prep S, 1/2A, 2S, 3/4B, 3S, 5/6B and 5/6C.

Please sign up, we need your support for this event to run smoothly:


Please return raffle tickets no later than Monday 6th by 3pm to be included in the draw.


Delivery is Thursday 2nd December. 

Collection will be from the meeting room to the right of the school foyer at the following times:


Thursday 2nd: 3pm - 4.30pm

Friday 3rd: 3 pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 4th: 10am- 12 midday


*If you cannot collect during these times please ask a friend to collect for you. Please be patient when collecting as we will need to be mindful of numbers in the foyer.

Thank you everyone for your support of our 2021 Mango Fundraiser. 


Win at the Can You Flip It? Online Auction

Our online auction is nearly ready to go live! So many great items to be won. Prices to suit all budgets, get some of your Christmas shopping done AND support our school at the same time.


Thank you to all the businesses who have donated to the auction - see below