
Kii everyone


Our community has transitioned back to school incredibly well.  Thank you for supporting your child(ren) at home with our school value “if I have a problem, I speak with an adult”.  Our students are increasing their resiliency back onsite and seeking positive support and coping strategies.  Classes have been using zones of regulation to regularly check in on children to support them and our students have been revisiting “find my five”.


As a school we have tried to provide students with all of the exciting opportunities they have missed during lockdown, including the ½ party night, ¾ camp, ⅚ graduation and the Arts Festival.


Our children are very excited about all of these celebrations, but they are also exhausted from the return to full time, onsite school.  I have attached a PDF on the importance of sleep.  If you require any more resources please see me!


In preparation for the transition to next year's classes we have added an additional Gurrin Gurrin time with their 2022 teacher.  Our staff are excited about the opportunity to plan exciting learning experiences for 2022 on their 2022 PLC planning day on the 2nd December.  

