In the Art / Craft Room


We are all so excited to be back in the art room and learning face to face again.  All students have been working hard to complete their textile work influenced by Yarrenyty Arltere Artists. Students used the ‘dolphin’’ stitch and the over stitch to complete these artworks. These were then stuffed to create a three dimensional form. Students also had the opportunity to paint their caly works form term two. The last art project will be negotiated between students and teachers as students will be given agency to decide on their art works and how these will be completed and displayed. 


Students have made their costumes in the art room for Eddie’s dance routines and these look fantastic. The backdrops have also been created by so many talented students in classes five and six. 


Grade six students have also completed their community tiles and are looking forward to having these displayed on the school building. 


We are in the middle of planning our Arts Festival so keep an eye out for information coming through Compass and this newsletter. 


Antoinette Vaiano 


Students are excited to be back learning in the craft room. Classes three to six are working on their knitting projects and are keen to have these completed by the end of the year. The younger classes are completing their stitched craft items and are practising finger knitting to attach to these. Students have also painted their clay works from term two. As students finish the various projects we will be negotiating a final craft project for the year. 


Grade six students have also completed their community tiles and are looking forward to having these displayed on the school building. 

I would love parents and carers  to assist in the craft room to support student learning. This term students  need a lot of support knitting and stitching.  You will need a current working with children check and proof of double vaccination . Please sign in at the office before you come to the art room.


 We are in the middle of planning our Arts Festival so keep an eye out for information coming through Compass and this newsletter. 


Looking forward to working with all you again,


Antoinette Vaiano