A Note from Musicland

Term 1 was a short but busy one for all who dwell in Musicland.


We have had new teachers join the Music Staff. We welcome Michelle Lam our piano teacher and Mirko Guerrini the woodwind teacher. Both staff are involved with ensembles, Michelle conducts the keyboard ensemble and Mirko the Intermediate Band.


The Music captains, Alex, Marc and Eddy organised a very entertaining lunch time concert towards the end of term. The students set up the band equipment in the quadrangle, providing music while the staff versus student soccer match played. There was a wide variety of performances with year 7 piano items, the year 8 rock band, and the year 11 boys and girls bands.

The Production band also fired up mid-term and they are doing a splendid job in learning all the songs and incidental music for the school production of Hairspray.


Term 2 will have the Music students involved in Anzac day ceremonies, the Music Camp, excursions to various venues and finally the half time concert. I look forward to seeing you all there.


Judy Bartosy

Director of Music