Class of 2016

Friday 29 January began bright and early for year 12 students, ready for their introduction to year 12: Study Camp.


Some were there at the crack of dawn, anxious to be given first priority for the highly sought-after large, top lockers. Others wandered in minutes before the bell, reluctant to accept their final year of school had actually started.

Throughout the day we heard from a variety of speakers about our English subjects (Core English, Literature, English Language or English as an Additional Language).

For Core English the day began with Anna Corney, who immersed us in 1950s America, delving deeper into the novel Brooklyn. We were brought back to the present day by John Kilner, a journalist who took us through language analysis and the workings of the media in our everyday lives. The final speaker was Josh Nelson, who discussed and dissected the film Mabo.

Literature and English Language students also thoroughly enjoyed their presentations. The past chief examiner of Literature, Margaret Smith, spoke to students, who found her detailed advice and new insight into the subject invaluable. English Language students enjoyed the humorous approach Sara Weaver employed and the provocative questions she posed that challenged them to think deeper about the subject.

However, the highlight of the day, most would agree, was the food. Chewy chocolate biscuits, juicy watermelon, and enough oven chips to feed an army, amongst much more.

Thank you to the wonderful speakers for giving us new insight and the dedicated teachers, for organising this successful day. Armed with a fresh set of notes, new perspectives and full stomachs, we returned home feeling ready to start our final year. 


Olivia Dolezal

Year 12