
In week five of Term 1, the Year 7s went on a school camp to Charnwood. On arrival we were assigned a camp guide, a year 11 Outdoor Recreation Student and a teacher. After we settled into camp, we started our water activity, raft building, canoeing, and a tight rope walking obstacle across the lake. The main land activity was mountain bike riding. At night, the Year 11s ran some activities. They had numerous stations of games and we enjoyed each one of them.

On day two, we set out with our hiking packs and trail mix for a bushwalk to our camping site. Most of the tents were already set up from the last groups so we had a lot of time to explore and get to know one another as well as prepare dinner. Once dinner had finished, we started a game that the Year 11s had planned called the ‘Lolly game’ and used many strategies to sneak past them and their torches. If they saw you, you had to go back to the start and take off again; the main aim – to get to the glowing light and claim the lollies!


In the morning, we got all of our packs ready and set off to abseiling and rock climbing. Once there, we put on the equipment and started our way up to the rocks. The realisation of climbing down a wall just on a rope and a harness was a challenge in itself, let alone actually committing and completing it! However, by the end of the day those who completed it were very proud and if they hadn’t been able to summon the courage to go down they were encouraging the others, creating an extremely positive vibe.

Soon after completing the abseiling we made our way back to camp for ‘The AMAZING RACE Charnwood’. The amazing race was where each group would complete a course that went through the dam, up hills and down a creek all working together to make it back. At the end, my group ended up winning! We were all congratulating each other and were very proud of our team work and efforts in the race. Once we said our goodbyes to the camp, we travelled on the bus back home, exhausted, but knowledgeable about what we learnt and our new-made friends.


Laura Cuthbert 7F