Robyn Dunn

Arriving at Kew High School as a fresh young graduate in 1975, Robyn settled in and became integral to the school, part of the furniture, the foundations. She was a fixture. This was her other home, her second family, a significant component of her life.


Robyn contributed to the changing scene, the culture, the growth and improvement of the school over some 37 years. Her influence extended as each new wave of students enrolled and came in contact with her.


Robyn was the consummate professional. She was passionate and totally committed to her job. She immersed herself in it; worked incredibly hard and was perfectly suited to it. She undoubtedly chose the right career.


Her classes over the years contained students from diverse backgrounds from those with learning and social difficulties, to the out and out mischievous, the loud boys and the quiet and studious and Robyn handled them all.


She skilfully passed on her wealth of knowledge, engaging even the most challenging students. With Robyn they learnt, even if this was not their intention in the class, all without much outward stress or fuss. She catered for them all, searching for a way to connect, winning their trust because she was fair and reasonable. She gave her all to each and every one of them, treating them with respect and as individuals. She imbued a belief in their worth and in their ability, pushing them to give their best - and they didn’t want to disappoint her. Robyn had a quiet presence, never needing to raise her voice. Students unsure at the start were won over very quickly and readily spoke highly of her. Homework help and after hours tuition were offered and Robyn was always surrounded by students who knew she would be able to make all the complex Maths questions clear because of her patience. She was so approachable, never making anyone feel insignificant or inferior no matter what questions they asked of her. She was always thoroughly prepared and willing to try new approaches for those finding things difficult to follow and she extended the ones needing something more. She was ever patient, unselfish, generous with her time, matter of fact, calm and unflustered.


On numerous occasions Robyn stepped up to be a Year Level Coordinator.  In the Maths teams she was always active, a contributor, offering her insights and opinions when asked, sharing, assisting, giving support and developing resources. When she put her point of view it was always considered and she heeded what others had to say. 


No one could ever ask for a better staff member-always there, at the ready, never taking short cuts. Robyn was not afraid of hard work.


Robyn had integrity. There was never an occasion when she belittled or demeaned but rather she built people up. She was always positive and able to see the benefits of our programs.  She mentored many new staff and student teachers, no doubt setting them up to be excited and successful in their own careers.


I enjoyed walking beside Rob at Kew. And so it was for all our staff. She had a great sense of humour. She took the time to converse and listen. Her presence was uplifting.  She didn’t engage in gossip, or buy in to rumour and I never heard her have a cross word with any staff member. She wasn't a walk over- just quietly firm and strong. Robyn always had a genuine concern for you. In short, she was good person to be around.


She was unassuming, always respectful, never after recognition, in fact she preferred to be in the back ground, pushing someone else forward. She acknowledged others readily and gave credit where it was due.


Robyn made a significant difference at Kew and we cannot underestimate the influence she had on so many adolescents over time. Students will remember her long into the future and recall her with genuine affection. 


She was no ordinary woman, but someone who touched so many, all the while doing what she loved.  Her life really mattered. She has left an indelible footprint, a lasting legacy of which to be extremely proud. She will be remembered by us all long into the future. We are all the better for crossing paths with her.


Farewell Robyn and thanks for all you gave to each and everyone of us.


Clare Entwisle