Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist- Following discussions with Fr Michael we are able to provide the opportunity for the  students to receive the  Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist. A note will be sent home today to be completed by families and be returned to school the following day. This will help inform the Parish in view of numbers and prepare certificates for the Celebration Mass at St Mary’s Church this Saturday evening at 6:00pm.

If required, additional celebration Masses will be made available later in the month.


Due to Government health guidelines, all adult persons will be required to present their double vaccination record and we have been advised an official Marshall will be present.

The Year 6 students did an amazing job supporting Fr Michael in leading us in the All Saints/ All Souls Mass at our school last Friday. It was fantastic to be able to celebrate Mass at school as we have not been able to do this for what seems such a long time. 

A big thankyou to Mr Richardson (Yr 6 teacher) for setting up a link from the classrooms to the Multi room. This allowed the Year 1-5 children to remain in their classrooms and still attend the online Mass service.

Following Mass, the Year 6 students set up stalls and activities stations around the school in preparation for Mission Day. In the past, each year level has been responsible for contributing in some way, however due to COVID-19 health restrictions things had to be conducted a little differently. Under the guidance of the Year 6 teachers, the students planned and organised Mission Day. We are very proud to say that, our school, Sacred Heart successfully raised over $1630 from the day. 

Julie Leonard

Religious Education Leader 


Student Reporters

Last Friday, our school raised money for the World Mission Appeal. The money we raised this year on our Catholic Mission Day will go to help support the work of the Good Shepherd Sisters at the Kindergarten Centre in Bangkok, Thailand.

Mission Day is a day when we don’t just have fun stalls, but we also enjoy raising money for the people less fortunate than us. Not only did we raise a lot of money, the whole school had fun and got fresh air while doing it! 

This year had been different from previous years, the work for the stalls and organising Mission Day was left in the capable hands of the Year 6 students and teachers. We at Sacred Heart are all very proud of the money we raised and all the effort and teamwork our Year 6 students put in for our school. 

Harmony Parker, Nelly-May Ruhl - Year 6