Principal's Report

All Together Again

This week we are enjoying our first full week back at school since the last week of term two, back in May. That fact even took me by surprise – 23 weeks since the students completed a five-day school week!


Teachers are very familiar with the adjustments that students need to make when returning to school after the regular holidays, however such a long absence from school requires particular planning and preparation. During my walks around the school and visiting classrooms from the doorway, it has been great to see students readapting to school routines so well.


As someone whose favourite subject to teach was maths, I have been particularly pleased to see the engagement that students have displayed in this subject. I’ve observed students learning about a range of concepts across the school, including shopping with money, finding equivalent fractions, and simplifying algebraic equations. This is great to see.


We expect there to be a bit of fatigue this week, as we all build up our stamina after such a long absence. Teachers are continuing to support their students’ wellbeing and emotions, whilst delivering a structured program.


The return of borrowing from the library has been very welcomed, and I am sure that lunch orders will be very well received tomorrow.


It has been great to see our school back in full flow. Chock-full of students, noise, laughter, and learning. Long may it continue!

Enjoying the library
Playground time
Back at the library
Enjoying the grounds
Hooray - back at school!
Year 6 - Researching migration
Visual Arts lesson
Year 6 - Geography research
Enjoying the library
Playground time
Back at the library
Enjoying the grounds
Hooray - back at school!
Year 6 - Researching migration
Visual Arts lesson
Year 6 - Geography research


Student Excellence Program

In earlier newsletters we have provided information regarding FPS’ involvement in the Department’s Student Excellence Program. This program includes the Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP), where students selected by the Department of Education and Training participate in 10-week online extension and enrichment programs, in English and Mathematics.


We were delighted to be informed that two of our Year 6 students have had their work chosen to be published and displayed on the VHAP webpage. I encourage you to have a read of Ella and James’ writing, which is simply stunning.



Well done to all of our students who have participated in all of the student excellence programs this year.


The Department of Education and Training will soon be contacting schools with the names of students who will be participating in next term’s VHAP. We will contact parents of these students to seek consent for their involvement later this month.


Foundation 2022 Orientation

November is the month that we welcome next year’s incoming Foundation students to FPS. Restrictions have meant that we are unable to have all the students visit at the same time, however we have adapted the program to ensure that each future student has the opportunity to visit the school, meet some of the teachers and spend time in some of the classrooms and on the playground.


This morning we welcomed our first group of new students, and if first impressions are anything to go by, they seem dead set ready for school!


& Sign-out: Compass Kiosk

For those parents who have collected their children early or dropped them off after an appointment, you will have used our new Compass Kiosk. Located at the Langridge Street school office, this device simplifies the following processes:

  • Sign in students who arrive late.
  • Sign out students who depart during school hours.
  • Sign in/out visitors/contractors and volunteers who are working at the school.

~ Paul Wallace, Principal