Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Parish Bulletin

"Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen, and to stand with confidence before the Son of Man." 

Luke 21:25-36

The First Week of Advent 

Stand in the Light with Hope

Traditionally, we light the first candle on the Advent wreath as we begin this season of HOPE. This Advent, more than ever in these modern times, we need light to see us through the darkness; we need the grace of hope to see us through. 


Purple is the colour of the vestments worn by the priest and set in the church during the Advent Season. Purple is also the colour of the first candle lit on the Advent Wreath signifying Hope.The first candle is known as the Prophet's Candle. The candle of hope for Advent assures us we can have hope that God will fulfill the prophecies declared in the Old Testament about Jesus. Hope doesn’t disappoint us (Romans 5:5).


Hope is that quality that enables us to offer a way through the uncertainty of this global pandemic. It reminds us of the importance of prayer at this time of year and the experiences of the past twelve months. If we are going to fully bring the light of Christ into past situations of pain, mistrust, anger and grief we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines, we choose to be involved, as Pope Francis reminds us:


To speak of hope to those who are desperate, it is essential to share their desperation. To dry the tears from the faces of those who are suffering, it is necessary to join our tears with theirs.

Pope Francis, 4 January 2017


Week 1 Advent Goals:Be aware of and enjoy and appreciate the stars and Christmas lights this week. Identify three qualities about yourself and areas of your life which challenge you to risk standing in the light.


The Walk to Bethlehem

Last Friday, the Year 3 & 4 classes journeyed around the oval and school grounds, creating the Walk to Bethlehem as Mary and Joseph did. The students and staff clocked up several kilometres and had their 'passports' stamped as they traveled the journey.  This event brought to life the work researched and developed during religion and other areas of the curriculum, to create curiosity and knowledge through an inquiry approach to learning and discovery.



The students also enjoyed eating Challah bread and dates, some of the traditional foods of the time.


The well created scenes of the festive season were developed by all the different year levels throughout the school. The Annunciation, The Journey to Bethlehem and the Three Kings. These displays complemented the Walk to Bethlehem.




Sacrament of First Eucharist

We congratulate the candidates who received the Sacrament of First Eucharist for the first time over the weekend. We continue to pray for those candidates who will receive the Sacrament over the next week and beyond.


We encourage the candidates and their families to allow this special experience of First Eucharist not to be their last but instead to be filled with the Spirit that they will receive Christ every week at Mass.  We remember and gather in 'communion' with one another and with our Lord.


Christmas Hampers

The Mini Vinnies distributed the Christmas Baskets for each class last week inviting students and their families to donate food items and presents for the St Vincent de Paul Society.


Historically, the St Therese Community has always been generous in their efforts to support others, especially during the festive season leading to Christmas. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated.


A letter of invitation has been sent to families explaining the process and the items required for the hampers to be developed. Look out for this on Operoo.


The community's contributions will be placed under the Christmas Tree in the office foyer.




Grow in gratitude and empathy.

Michelle Hinds