
Mouthguard Information

Every year thousands of people are treated for dental injuries that could have been avoided by wearing a protective, custom-fitted mouthguard. Wearing a custom-fitted mouthguard helps to absorb and spread the impact of a blow to the face, which may otherwise result in an injury to the mouth or jaw.


Dental injuries can result in time off school or work to recover, can be painful and disfiguring, may involve lengthy and complex dental treatment. The cost of an injury to the teeth or jaw far exceeds the cost of a mouthguard.


Mouth guards should be worn during any sport where there is the chance of a knock to the face.


Custom fitted mouthguards are superior to over the counter mouthguards and are made from a dental impression and a plaster model of the teeth. They provide the best protection fit and comfort for all levels of sport.


Jenny Hill

College Nurse

Reference: Australian Dental Association, Sport Medicine Australia