Message from the Principal Team

Principals' Update


Welcome back

Welcome back for term three of 2022! We hope that everyone in the community had the opportunity to take a break and spend some time with family and friends. Once again we have a busy term ahead of us with parent teacher interviews, the Art Show, the Athletics Day, and Literacy and Numeracy week just a few of the happenings around the school. We are also facing some challenges this term with the continuing issue of COVID and other winter illnesses impacting our staffing and our community at large. We are also in the process of obtaining a new boiler for the school after ours died at the end of term 2. We had a second company attend the school yesterday to prepare a quote for us as is required for purchases of this size. We also purchased temporary heating to help keep the classes warm in the interim. We appreciate greatly the patience of students, staff and the community in what are a challenging set of circumstances. Despite all this, it is wonderful to see the smiling faces of our students again and to begin another term of learning together. 


COVID Winter update

COVID cases are on the rise again this winter. We have replaced the filters on all of our air purifiers with new ones provided by the government. We are also running our purifiers at the highest setting as we have been advised to do. The department has also asked us to communicate with you about the importance of mask wearing in the current climate. Wearing a face mask can help protect you, your child/ren and those around you. Face masks stop droplets spreading when people talk, cough, sneeze and laugh, which lowers the chance of spreading or catching the virus. This information is especially important for those who are medically at risk. The Victorian Government’s advice recommends people over 8 years of age wear a face mask in indoor settings, except for close contacts, who must wear a mask indoors unless an exception applies. If you wish your child to wear a mask at school, and/or they themselves wish to wear a mask, we will ensure they are supported to do that. For more information about face mask requirements, visit the Coronavirus website.

The Victorian Government is providing up to three further deliveries of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) in Term 3 and again in Term 4 to schools. These should be distributed by schools for use by staff and students who are symptomatic or who are household contacts. All schools will receive the first delivery of Term 3 RATs by the end of week 3. We have distributed RATs to classes this week and more will be delivered in the coming weeks.


Respectful Behaviour within the School Community

When parents, carers and school staff work together as one team, our students do better. Everyone at school, particularly staff and parents/carers, play a role in making school a better place for learning and work. Parents, carers and school staff have a relationship that can last many years. This is an opportunity to work together to create a positive relationship in the best interests of the child. When this relationship is built on respect and trust, students learn better and feel like they belong in the school.


Every member of our school community has a right to feel safe and be protected.  The Department of Education and Training has released the Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy that describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults.

There are also resources to support safe and respectful relationships in our school community, including information about getting involved in the school, advice on how to raise a concern or complaint, and parenting support resources. You can find the new policy and these resources here.

You may also see a new poster up around our school, promoting positive behaviour. For more information on how to engage positively with our school, please contact Keith.


PPD day term 3

The Department has once again asked us to schedule a whole staff Professional Practice Day (PPD) in response to the continuing workforce pressures that exist in schools at present. Given a curriculum day is already scheduled for Friday 26th August, we felt it was most convenient for the community to hold the whole school PPD day on the following Monday the 29th of August. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.


Pigeon Update

You may have noticed there are less pigeons in the yard and a cage on the roof near the Art Room. The number of pigeons in the yard has been increasing over time and has become a problem, with poo everywhere, including inside the buildings, and student lunch boxes being targeted.  

Pigeon droppings are a health hazard and spread diseases, so unfortunately we need to have as many pigeons as possible removed. A contractor has been coming in each week to take away any pigeons in the cage and to replenish the cage with food and water. This will be done over a 4 week period.

We have been assured the captured pigeons are moved to somewhere far from school to discourage them returning. We appreciate that students are fond of the pigeons, however the safety and cleanliness of the school environment are paramount.




Keith McNeill & Jane Bilby