Student Wellbeing

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

SRC - Casual Clothes 

The SRC team ran a casual clothes day on Thursday 16th June each student donated a gold coin to go towards helping St Josephs Primary School, Woodburn in the Lismore area.  Others school in the Peninsula area are also jumping on board to help out the Catholic schools in the Lismore area that were hit hard by the devastating floods earlier this year.  The kids from St Josephs' primary have sent through this beautiful clip of their journey through the flood crisis this year.


The students of St Louis raised and amazing $803.60 through the casual clothes day.


Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships


St Louis de Montfort's is a proud leader school in the Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) initiative.  RRRR is part of the Victorian Government commitment to address family violence and promote gender equity through education. It focuses on challenging negative attitudes such as prejudice, discrimination and harassment which can lead to violence often against women.  The RRRR curriculum forms part of our Social Emotional Learning Program.


A brief overview of the topics covered in the RRRR curriculum:


Topic 1 - Emotional Literacy 

Emotional literacy can be defined as the ability to understand ourselves another people. This topic focuses on the ability to understand, express and manage our own emotions, build empathy and to respond appropriately to the emotions of others.

Topic 2 - Stress Management

Children and young people need a vocabulary to help them recognise and understand strengths and positive qualities in themselves and others. The topic provides learning activities to build this vocabulary and to use it when discussing personal, social and ethical challenges.

Topic 3 - Positive Coping

This topic provides opportunities for students to discuss different types of coping strategies. Students are introduced to the concept of self-talk to approach and manage challenging situations. Positive self-talk is a key strategy for coping with negative thoughts emotions and events.

Topic 4 - Problem Solving

This topic supports students to develop skills and to apply them to scenarios exploring personal, social and ethical dilemmas.

Topic 5 - Stress Management

Children and young people experience a range of personal, social and work-related stressor in their early life. This is about explicitly teaching positive approaches to stress management.  The lessons focus on self- calming strategies.

Topic 6 - Help Seeking 

This topic focuses on students discussing the importance of seeking help and providing peer support when dealing with problems that are too big to solve alone.

Topic 7 - Gender and Identity

This topic assists students to challenge stereotypes and critique the influence of gender norms on attitude and behaviour.  Focus on the importance of respect within relationships.

Topic 8 - Positive Gender Relations  

This topic focuses on building an understanding of the effects of gender-based violence and focus on the standards associated with respectful relationships. They develop peer support and help-seeking skills that can be applied in response to situations involving gender based violence in family, peer, community or on line relationships.