Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together








Dear Families,  


Next week our student will again participate in our structured Sports Awareness Program. The experiences arranged are designed to provide our students with opportunities they may not otherwise engage with. This term, our 3-6 students will take part in an Italian Cultural Day which centres around the ‘Calcio Cup’ which is in intra-school soccer tournament with gelati and Italian Fanfare. Our F-2 students are off to Dream City, an imaginative environment designed to immerse and inspire students to interact with a range of professions they may one day wish to pursue including medicine, engineering, construction and much more. Thank you to our Enrichment Team for organising these fantastic experiences for our students. 


Furthermore, next Friday our students will be part of the 1st Albanvale PS House Colour Athletics Carnival which will take place at school. Go Blue House! 



Student Reports

Teachers have completed student mid-year reports. A great deal of time is spent writing student mid-year reports to ensure parents have an accurate picture of their child’s progress against expected state-wide standards. Reports are now available online through the Compass portal from Friday the 17th of June. Please take the time to consider your child’s reports before your scheduled parent teacher interviews.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to the many families that have already secured a time to meet with their child’s teacher on the scheduled days of Tuesday 21st of June and Thursday 23rd of June 2022, between the times of 3.30pm-6.30 pm. Bookings through the Compass portal are now closed. Families have not locked in a time will have one allocated to them and a note sent home with their child. It is expected that families attended the scheduled interview. Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held in the Enrichment Building this semester similar to our arrangements for the Reading Café. There will be staff available and signs to support you in navigating to your child’s teacher. Although there are no rules, it is highly encouraged that you wear a face mask and get in contact with the school to reschedule if you are experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. 


Soccer Champions

Congratulations to our year 5/6 Boys Soccer Team who took part in the District Soccer Lighting Cup this week. Their coach Mr. Valentine reported that the Albanvaleroos’ demonstrated exceptional sportsmanship throughout the day and proudly made it to the finals series where they finished 4th overall on the day. 


School Holidays

Students and staff will break for school holidays on Friday 24th of June at 2:30pm. School will resume Monday 11th July at 9:00am. Parents requiring outside school hours care for the earlier finish or during school holidays are requested to contact our outside hours care

service provider Big Childcare on 8682 9400


Prep Enrolment 2023

Our school community continues to grow with enough enrolments for 2 prep classes in 2023 already confirmed. We are continuing to accept pre-enrolments for students in and out of our zone before we confirm student enrolments early next term. If you have a child that is school age in 2023 or know of someone who does, we highly encourage you to submit your pre-enrolment now to confirm their place. Pre-enrolments can be submitted through our school website or by calling 9367 2197