
By Jake Phin

In what was another busy term for everyone at the college, the Wellbeing team and I have exciting information to share with you all in the lead up to the school holidays and the start of Term 3. As our college continues in our whole school approach to promoting positive wellbeing and respectful relationships, we have been able to arrange two parent and carer evenings next term.


Firstly, The college is delighted to announce that Brock Bastian, social psychologist from the University of Melbourne, will be delivering a presentation for parents and carers in August. Brock will be providing a unique perspective on his studies of happiness and why we need negative experiences in life to build meaning, purpose and resilience. This really is a fantastic opportunity to hear from one of the top experts in the mental health field in Australia. Further information about this presentation, including how to register your interest in attending, will be sent out through Compass early next term.


Connect Health & Community will also be welcomed to the college to present on the topic of gambling. This presentation will specifically focus on the key issues related to gambling and young people, and how parents and carers can help their child develop informed attitudes to gambling. This presentation will be facilitated alongside some student workshops in Year 11 and 12 across Term 3. This will fall alongside a number of other group programs and presenters we have arranged for students at other year levels, focusing on the topics of eSafety, body image and emotional regulation.


Lastly, a further opportunity we wish to highlight to parents and carers at this time is the Triple P Parenting Program, for which further information can be found in the attached flyer. This free, online evidence-based program assists parents and carers to support their children’s capacity for self-regulation and better cope with feelings of stress both now and in the future.


The Wellbeing team and I hope you have a relaxing holiday break and encouraged you to make use of the attached support services should you need to during this time. Stay well!