Year 9 

By Michelle Lynch

Our Year 9 students have made us very proud throughout Semester One. We have seen them grow and mature and get involved in school life to the best of their ability. We are now preparing them for Senior School and course counselling. Subject selection will take place in August and is kicked off with a Parent Information Evening on the 19th of July. Students seem very motivated with a high percentage coming to the ‘Year 10, 2023’ workshops that have been held during lunchtimes over the last two weeks.


Term Two certainly has been a very busy time for our Year 9 students. We have had students out to the City for CONNECT City and CONNECT Lore. Here, students worked independently and showed real maturity navigating the public transport, the city and enjoying all the culinary delights Melbourne has to offer. CONNECT Kitchen to Table students have completed barista training, supplying staff with a welcomed warm cup of coffee on cold mornings. CONNECT Juice Bar students have whipped up some amazing smoothies and all, these experiences have been able to be listed in the resumes students have built in CONNECT World Ready.  We have had police visits, walks to Mordialloc Beach and Parkdale Library, Pete from Tritactics teach self defence and Roger from Fit2box show students how boxing can get you really fit. Students have learnt about respectful relationships and consent and how becoming an adolescent is exciting but also a time when our teens really learns about the bumpy path to adulthood.

We have also had Koorie Day, where we were able to welcome back Aunty Katrina Amon, Uncle Ron and have a traditional Koorie Smoking Ceremony. This day complemented our CONNECT Yawa unit and gives our students an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our traditional couture and Koorie heritage. 


The final big event for our Year 9’s was camp. It was an absolute pleasure to take your children away on camp, staff and students had a great time. It was fabulous to see the students make new friends, push themselves and have a few days away from the trappings of social media and technology. Neerrim East is a beautiful setting and it was wonderful to see all the planning that went into the camp was appreciated. A big thank you to all the staff that attended and gave up their time away from their families and lives outside of school, so that our Year 9’s could have their CONNECT Camp.


‘Year 9 Camp was such an amazing experience that provided me with so many new opportunities. We had some incredible speakers come to educate us on real world issues and reflect on ourselves. Along with that, everyone was given the chance to participate in African drumming which was such a cool thing to be a part of. When it came to activities, everyone was given the chance to choose their own activities with a large range including bush walks, cooking, and rock climbing. One of my favourite activities that I was able to do was the flying fox. It was my first activity and was a great way to start off camp. On our last night at camp, we all wrote letters to our future selves; these letters will be opened on year twelve camp. That night was emotional for many and allowed everyone to reflect and consider who they are as a person. We ended the last night of camp by playing board games and watching 10 Things I Hate About You, which was able to lighten the mood after our letter writing. Overall, camp allowed me to make new friends, and try new things, providing me with an experience I will never forget.’


Have a fantastic break,

Mrs. Lynch