Music Department

By Kylie De Niese

Instrumental Soiree


On Thursday June 26th, our Parkdale Instrumental program were able to hold our first performance night after a two year break. 

It was a fantastic night featuring our Guitar, Piano and Woodwind students who showed off their amazing performance skills as soloists or as a member of a group. 

Each student performed confidently in front of a large audience of friends and family. 

Thanks to the Year 11 band who came in early to help setup in the theatre, and to the piano students who helped setup the Visual Arts area. 

A huge thank you to our amazing instrumental teachers who have worked tirelessly this semester to teach our students, to challenge them and push them to achieve their best and to keep developing their instrumental and performance skills. Tim Mitchell, Dave Hedges, Xavier Appioti and Roger Sampson, your efforts are greatly appreciated and I know we are all looking forward to the eagerly anticipated Mid- Year Concert in August. 


Year 10 Showcase


During Term 2, the year 10 Music class worked hard as a class to plan, prepare and present a Showcase Performance. Students had to fill each role involved such as performers, sound and lighting, stage management and publicity. 

Each student involved worked well as a team to ensure the night ran smoothly and that their assessment requirements were fulfilled. 

A special mention to Ankita Mahanty and Jess Smith, our stage managers, who kept everyone on task all term to ensure the Showcase was successful. Well done!


Singing Soiree


Our final concert for the semester is our Singing Soiree which will be held on Thursday June 23rd 6.30pm in the school theatre. 

All singing students will be performing their solo and group numbers that they have been working on all semester. After not being able to perform for the last two years, I know these students are ready and excited to finally be getting back on the stage!


Mid-year Concert


Our Instrumental Mid-year concert is coming up in Term 3, August 25th. This will be a night filled with music from our ensembles, bands and a huge combined number with all of our instrumental students! 

This is a great event so would love to see you all there. 

Tickets will be available through Trybooking in Term 3. 




Our first excursion for the year is into the city to her Majesty’s Theatre to see Hamilton.

The students are very excited to be able to see live shows again and what better way to start than with the biggest show to hit our shores this year!


The Performing Arts Team are hoping to organise more excursions for our students to attend and to experience live theatre productions, especially now that we are out of Covid restrictions. Look out for signups for Hairspray next.