Adventures of Year 8: Volume 1

With COVID restrictions easing, school events have been in full swing. Our Year 8’s have shown excellent school and community spirit by getting involved in everything that they can.
From the sporting field, a large percentage of the grade participated in the Cross Country Carnival and Cecil Hills High School’s first ever twilight Athletics carnival. Congratulations to all participants and those students who went on to represent the school at Zone and Regional Carnivals. We were lucky enough to have 3 age champions at the Zone Cross Country Carnival. Well Done, Arman Nazari, Liana Luong and Micahel Maniti. Students have been developing teamwork skills, through their participation in a number of team sports including: Bill Turner Cup, Volleyball, Dance, Basketball and OzTag. We love seeing students be respectful in different environments.
This term our students have shown great community and school spirit by volunteering their time and effort in various school events. Our students have assisted with catering at Zone Athletics, which garnered positive reviews from numerous staff members from other schools. Most recently, our students ran the barbeque for the 25th Anniversary celebration. This involved, setting up, cooking and serving. Students exceeded our expectations and managed to raise $760. This will go towards sponsoring a child and other charities chosen by our cohort.
Next semester, students will be starting their new Innovation Electives. This will give all students an opportunity to further develop their Communication, Engagement, Collaboration, Innovation and Leadership skills within non-traditional subject areas. It has been great to see their hard work in action through market days and showcases. We cannot wait to see what the students create over the next semester.
We are extremely proud of all of our students and the success they have achieved throughout the first semester this year. We look forward to seeing what the next two terms of 2022 have in store for our beautiful students.
Miss Fagan and Miss Preston
Year 8 Advisors