Flying High

Flying High with The Australian Kiteflyers Society
This term, students from the Support Unit had the golden opportunity to fly kites with members of the Australian Kiteflyers Society (AKS).
Led by Ms. Karen Gerg, members of the AKS taught our students how to fly kites and guided them as they ran around the school oval.
A Special Education teacher herself with extensive experience in both Australia and the United States, Ms. Gerg was Mrs. Lukose former Head Teacher at Airds High School. Asked about her experiences in the classroom and her educational philosophy, Ms. Gerg said that the key working well with students starts with “establishing rapport”.
“It’s about respecting students regardless of their abilities and disabilities,” she said. “You do that by establishing rapport. The establishment of that rapport is all about giving students the respect they deserve but it’s also about giving yourself the respect you deserve as a teacher.”
Overall, it was a fun day that was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody involved. Some staff and students even got to keep their own kite. We would like to thank Mrs Lukose and Ms Gerg for working together to make this opportunity available for our students.
Francis Floresca
Teacher - Support Unit