Year 10 - Achievements

Year 10 Awards
Congratulations to the year 10 recipients of both our bronze and silver awards for term 2. Year 10 have been very successful this term with several students gaining recognition for their efforts and building both their knowledge of content and skills across a variety of courses. A special thanks to both Mrs Vivian Pham and Mr Andrew Faga for their continued devotion to their year group and their willingness to always go above and beyond. Well done to all year 10 recipients, we are very proud of you.
Perfect Afternoon Tea
I would like to thank and congratulate our amazing Student Leadership Team, SRC Coordinators and the HTs of Wellbeing for their organisation of our Prefect Afternoon Tea on Friday 10th of June. There were several schools that attended the event and the students celebrated and discussed what leadership meant to them and shared experiences and ideas to improve their schools. There were 19 schools that attended the event from across Sydney. What a great way to grow and learn together.
Year 10 Which Way Now? Program Success
Thank you to our brilliant Careers team for providing students with valuable information about the HSC, ATAR structure, subjects for 2023 and Vocational Education and Training pathways. During the two days our year 10 students also had the opportunity to listen to an inspiring, very motivating and life changing talk by Glenn Gerreyn. Our Careers team certainly understand the recipe for providing our students with the best chance to make important life choices. We look forward to further opportunities to discuss student pathways for year 10 next term.
The subject information evening for year 10 is on Tuesday the 2nd of August from 5.15pm to 6.30pm in the Cecil Hills High School Gymnasium.
Talented Drama Students
I had the pleasure of watching a year 10 Drama class perform their assessment tasks. Students were well prepared, innovative, motivated, and so very collaborative. What a team of talented students who clearly demonstrated an understanding of the energy and complexity involved in the performance process. I always enjoy viewing the work of our students. Thank you to, Mrs Miller, and her very enthusiastic and zestful students.
Term 2 Twilight Success!
A huge thank you to out HT of professional practice Jane Carter and our staff that presented workshops at our recent Twilight professional learning event. It was great to see staff learning about a variety of differentiation strategies that can be used in Cecil Hills High classrooms. These strategies will be used to ensure our students have the best opportunities to be engaged in their learning and develop skills in all areas.
Thank you to all Cecil Hills High staff for their commitment and energy demonstrated throughout the evening.
Christine Lord
Deputy Principal - Year 10