On Monday May 23 at 7:30am 120 excited Year 8 students and accompanying staff headed off for their week-long adventure in the Grampians National Park.  


We wasted no time getting into activities on day one, after a brief welcome by the Norval camp staff.


Throughout the week students had the opportunity to participate in a whole range of activities that we are unable to do in Mildura. We did rock climbing at the Watch Tower, abseiling at Delley’s Bridge, hiked to the Pinnacle and MacKenzie Falls, rode mountain bikes, visited the Halls Gap Zoo, played Adventure Mini Golf, learned how to climb the High Ropes, participated in team initiatives and had an adventure race. I would suggest it would have been difficult for the students to pick a favourite activity as they were all great.  

Many students enjoyed the zoo and were amazed at the range and quality of animals there. Some students loved the bike ride and the opportunity to get wet and muddy. Others enjoyed the challenges of navigating themselves around town on the adventure race. No surprises that many of them found themselves at the ice-cream shop!  


The evenings were filled with even more activities. There was the Norval Trivia Challenge, a movie night, a yoga session and a night walk. The week was filled with so many great stories of achievement as the students pushed themselves to try new things, breaking down barriers of fear and making new friends.  


Year 8 student Eva Challis made the following comments about camp on our return "Camp was good. We did lots of exercise every day and were filled with great nutritious food like wraps, pasta, salad and more. The best day time activity was rock climbing. I was really scared to have a go, but once I pushed myself I really enjoyed it. The teachers that went were nice, but still kept us in line."


All in all, a successful week and I look forward to doing it all again in 2023.


Ms Danielle Duscher

Head of Mercy Campus