Catholic Education Week was an opportunity to celebrate our Catholic identity and dialogue with the Catholic faith tradition – along with the world in which we live – to interpret and proclaim the good news. 


Now that COVID restrictions permit schools to engage with each other, our local Catholic schools came together once more after two years of remote learning. This year, we were pleased to have St Mary’s Robinvale Primary School join our Combined Schools Mass celebrations. Fr Matthew and Fr Shaiju celebrated Mass with 1100 staff and students. Our local Mercy Sisters were also present to celebrate Catholic Education in Sunraysia.


The Mass was a special time that enabled our staff and students to reflect on the importance of Catholic Education in their lives and the wonderful work being completed by everyone in our local Catholic schools.  


We pray that all our school communities inspire from within to be people of peace, hope and love in these times. May our staff and students take this opportunity of celebrating together to hear God’s words and ‘go into the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.’ (Mark 16:15) 


The latest estimates reveal more than 116,000 people were experiencing homelessness in Australia on Census Night, representing 50 homeless persons for every 10,000 people. In 2016, one quarter of all people experiencing homelessness was aged between 20 and 30 years.


The 2018–2019 Investigation into Homelessness in the Mildura region found the following: 

  • 255 people are experiencing homelessness in this electorate. 
  • Homelessness affects 40 per 10,000 in the Mildura region compared to an average of 27 people per 10,000 for regional Victoria. 
  • Mildura has the fourth highest level of homelessness in regional Victoria. 
  • 47 per cent are male, and 53 per cent are female.

Once again, we are collecting donations for the annual St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Over the next few weeks, we ask that you bring in any items of good quality that you have at home and no longer need, such as warm clothing that no longer fits or unwanted warm blankets. You could also buy blankets, clothing, and non-perishable canned and packaged goods to donate. 


So, clean out your cupboards and bring all donations to the front offices at both the Enright and Mercy Campuses or the college libraries. We are aiming for 1000 items. We will reach our goal if everyone donates at least one item to the appeal! 


All items will be donated to St Vincent de Paul at the start of Term 3. St Vinnies will distribute everything to those who need it the most.  


Please dig deep and give generously to those less fortunate this winter.  


Mercy Action Group


To celebrate Catholic Education Week, the Mercy Action Group made delicious cupcakes and cookies on Tuesday May 24 under the supervision of Mrs Morrison, Miss Higgins and Miss Cox. These cookies and cupcakes were sold on Wednesday May 25 to raise funds for Catholic Missions. It was the first opportunity in two years where our students could make and sell baked goods. All involved in the cooking had a wonderful time together. At the same time, our staff and student customers commented on how fresh and tasty the baked goods were. 


The Mercy Action Group presented a cheque for the $300.00 raised from the bake stall to Fr Matthew, who will give the funds to the Ballarat CEO to support the children’s activities of Catholic Missions.

Miss Paula Cox

Director of Catholic Identity