As Term 2 comes to an end, many of us find ourselves enjoying things that have been restricted or even cancelled over the past two years. While it’s true that we as a society (and especially our healthcare system) still face challenges in this ‘covid normal’ world, I’m sure that several of us feel grateful that some aspects of life have returned to what we think of as normal.


Events have mostly run as scheduled here at the college. Students have travelled on camps and excursions with only some minor rescheduling. Whereas last year we wondered if we would hold events, this year we have only needed to decide when to hold an event. It feels fantastic to make plans and see them through.


Interschool sport has returned, and the college has celebrated some great sporting moments recently. Our Junior girls football squad, Years 7 and 8 Division A girls netball teams, and boys netball team have all progressed to the Loddon-Mallee Regionals in Bendigo on 21 July. We are so proud of our athletes. Whenever they represent the college – and whatever the results on the scoreboard – they demonstrate our commitment to excellence, in sport as in academics. Congratulations to all and best wishes for a successful regional campaign.


Next week, our Year 12 cohort will journey to Anglesea for their yearly retreat. On behalf of the college, I wish them safe travels. I hope everyone has a wonderful time and forges strong bonds with their classmates so that they can support one another through their final two terms.


Back at the college, Years 9 to 11 will undertake mid-year exams over the week of 20–24 June. I wish every student the best of luck as they begin their revision. Please make a realistic study plan and do your best to stick to it. Remember to ask your teachers for help if you need it. We all believe in you and want you to succeed. School holidays will be here before you know it.


God Bless

Mrs Marg Blythman