Classroom News
Mrs Schwab (Leader of Learner Diversity) & Mrs Kerlin (Leader of Learning and Teaching)
Classroom News
Mrs Schwab (Leader of Learner Diversity) & Mrs Kerlin (Leader of Learning and Teaching)
Welcome to Foundation EM! The students have had a wonderful first week, showing their confidence in a new space. They have been working hard to get to know everyone in our class and learning about our school rules. Students have been getting very tired by the end of the day so hopefully these next four Wednesday’s will be a good chance to rest and reset.
Welcome to 1/2 EW! We have had an amazing first week of school playing maths games, learning new dances and heaps of fun craft activities that relate to our literacy. It has been wonderful getting to know all the students and parents. Bring on 2023!
Welcome to the 1 / 2 Class with Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin. We are so excited to be learning with the students this year. We have all had a fantastic beginning to the year with lots of smiling, dancing, creating and laughing. We are enjoying the beginning our days with Morning circles where we have already learnt the Chicken Dance and Macrarana.
Welcome to 3/4MM! (or M&M's as the students like to call it) We have had a wonderful first week and a half, with students showing their confidence in our new and different space. We have had lots of fun things happening whilst re-familiarising ourselves with school routines and expectations; Kelly Sports and painting to name a few. We are very lucky to haver the parish centre as an interim classroom, and the students are already incredible help when packing up before the weekend, and setting it up ready for Bingo. It's been great being able to meet some of you over the past week, I'm looking forward to a great year ahead!
Mrs Rogers class has had fun learning new routines and getting to know their new class space. They look forward to lots of learning and fun in 2023. Kelly Sports has been a hit so far and some children are enjoying the morning meeting space which is helping them be ready to learn. Come and visit!
It was both an amazing and busy first day back. Students were excited to see one another and share their holiday experiences. The best part of our day was being in a shared learning space with our juniors. The 5/6's were exceptionally helpful in making our new foundation students feel welcome.