
Welcome to 2023 -

We are starting the year with the sheer joy of being together in our very own space, playground, teachers and rooms. 

Our experience from last year has taught us many lessons, the biggest being;

our children are resilient; they showed us that they have the ability to bounce back after challenges and tough times. They were able to recover from setbacks and get back to living life BUT we also know that being able to show this level of resilience takes a lot of energy, effort and concentration.                                                                                                             Tiredness from 'bouncing back' on a daily basis can take its toll on growing minds which may look like worries about coming to or being at school.  Our ultimate aim is for all children to enter the space knowing they are being supported.    




This year we are beginning our 'Morning Meeting Place', every day in the library.  We have welcomed many children over the mornings this week from all year levels. 


















Our alternative lunch time programs have also started this week.  A fortnightly roster will be prepared for the children to see upcoming activities that will be taking place.  Again, this is a wonderful opportunity for connection with peers in a smaller, quieter space.















Another wonderful program we will be implementing is Peaceful Kids Mindfulness & Positive Psychology Program​​.


The 'Peaceful Kids' program is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen the worries and stresses children manifest and to increase their resilience. This program helps children to build their emotional resilience so they are better equipped to deal with the day to day stresses that life brings them.  


This program will be delivered by our Wellbeing Officer, Lorraine on a weekly basis.


Letters will be sent home with children to selected families for the first group sessions.



Let's talk about the header...5 key statements.  What do they mean?


Connect – Talk and listen, be there, feel connected

Feeling emotionally close to and valued by other people is a human need and contributes to our wellbeing.  Social relationships also help protect us from mental ill health – the saying that a problem shared is a problem halved is true!  When we are sociable, we trigger oxytocin (happy hormone) production in the brain...go be social!


Be Active – Do what you can, enjoy what you do, move your mood!

Physical activity is proven to increase serotonin, another happy hormone, a chemical that is actually manipulated in anti-depressant medication.  Exercising regularly not only protects our mental health but  helps our bodies feel fitter and stronger.  Regular exercise helps us sleep better which in turn helps us feel healthier and learn better.  


Take Notice – Remember the simple things that give you joy

Taking notice of our thoughts, emotions and surroundings is a great way to ensure we’re looking after ourselves and our own wellbeing.  Taking notice of the things we’re grateful for, big or small is a good way to boost our mood.  Gratitude for the right here and now is a sure way to highlight how great life actually is!


Give – Your time, your words, your presence

Research suggests that acts of giving and kindness can help improve your mental wellbeing by creating positive feelings and giving you a feeling of purpose and self-worth.  Being kind is good for the person you are kind to but it is also good for you – kind humans should be the only kind of human!


Keep Learning – Embrace new experiences, see opportunities, surprise yourself

Try something new, tap dancing, an online course, how to achieve the perfect pasta sauce. Whatever it is, using the brain keeps us connecting with others, stops us from losing it and ultimately gives a sense of purpose.  


For more information click on the link