Messages from Mrs Trewick


It's been a great two weeks of learning in Rochester. Our children have settled well into the space they left quickly on October 13th.  


Welcome to our new students and their families. We hope your time as a member of the St Joseph's community is rewarding and that you feel supported always.


Building Update

We hope to have some more information on a timeline for works in the other buildings. There are a few hiccups (not flood related) that Catholic Education Sandhurst are helping with. Fingers crossed we get some more information later next week.


Cybersafety - Student Devices

Tuesday 7th February was Safer Internet Day. We are lucky to have Mr Davison teaching Digital Technology this year and he has started with Cyber Safety.


Grade 5/6 children will have the opportunity to take their devices (iPads) home once we have 1:1 Agreements Signed (which includes the Take Home Laptop Agreement) and all students have their digital licence.


We understand that some children are spending more time than usual on devices. We encourage you to make sure you know what sites they are using, that they are age appropriate and that their online behaviour is safe, respectful and responsible to all. 



As we enjoy Kelly Sports each Friday, we are working to determine the best time for Assembly every fortnight. We will have a decision on this by Monday afternoon, so please keep an eye out for this information.



We hope to have use of the pavilion by the end of March. At the moment the restorers are working on the rooms at the east of the pavilion. We will have more information about this next week.


All children are enjoying the free-standing basketball ring. I appreciate that some children like to bring their own basketball. We have plenty of basketballs (so don't let them tell you otherwise), if their ball goes on the roof staff are unable to get it down. 


Paul Desmond, CEO Catholic Education Sandhurst visited yesterday. His parting gift was a free standing netball ring and a table tennis table. When we determine the best and safest spaces for them we will put them together. We are grateful for these additions to our play space.


We look forward to many great opportunities to learn and grow in 2023 as a community.