Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

What's been happening in our Learning Spaces?


Click here to see what students in Year 1 Red have been learning this term! 


The Early Years

Catholic Identity


Last week the whole school was involved in observing Shrove Tuesday, in which all students enjoyed eating pancakes. Thanks goes to all the Middle School students who helped their Early Years friends by distributing the pancakes to the Learning Spaces.


The following day, the Early Years acknowledged Ash Wednesday with a special Liturgy within their Learning Spaces.


Feast Day


On Tuesday 28 February, the school celebrated Salvado Day. The students in Kindy to Year Two had a great time decorating collages of our school logo and learning lots of interesting facts about our school patron, Dom Rosendo. Please see the photographs below to see the wonderful work that was produced on the day.




Our Early Years students are still undergoing different forms of testing this Term. Please understand that a lot of the assessments taking place are conducted on a one-on-one basis, therefore it does take the teachers quite a while to complete the process. We thank you for your understanding and look forward to doing some data analysis to provide all parents with a better understanding of their child’s current knowledge level.



Parent Help


Some of our Learning Spaces are ready to start welcoming parents in to help out with reading and other activities. Please make contact with your child’s teacher if you are available. 


Just a reminder that SCC encourages all parents to reads with their child every night


Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2)


A Message from the School Health Nurse


Welcome to the new school year. Emmanuel and Kate are the School Health Nurses who will be visiting your school in 2023.


School Health Nurses work in schools to promote healthy development and wellbeing so students may reach their full potential. A major part of our work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program.  Additionally, the nurse can be contacted at any time throughout primary school if you have concerns about your child’s health, development or wellbeing.


School Health Nurses serve as a health contact point for children and their families, providing information, assessment, health counselling and referral. They also work in partnership with schools to support teachers in health related curriculum and can assist in the development of health care plans for students with complex and chronic health needs.


The services provided are free and confidential.


If you have a concern about your child’s health, development or wellbeing please don’t hesitate to contact us via email -  Emmanuel.semblante@health.wa.gov.au