Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing

Please click here to read some information in regards to the Mindfull Meditation.


Upcoming podcasts/workshops regarding Student Wellbeing

Tuning in to Teens -  facilitated by Full Circle Psychologist Tracy Hart. This six-week series is designed to support parents and caregivers of 9 to 13 year olds and will be conducted at the Dome Pavilion, Deep Water Point (Mount Pleasant) March – April 2023.


Tweens Webinar by Michelle Mitchell


Michelle discusses the research she gathered while writing her most recent Tweens book as well as practical tools to help you stay connected to your child as they grow.  Michelle will chat about development, speaking the language of tweens, and things to do now that can change the trajectory of teenage years.  You can purchase the webinar as a stand alone product, or gain access to it free when you purchase TWEENS before March 30th.


Tickets can be accessed at the following website:



How to Manage School Anxiety – What Children and Teens Need From Us

An article written by Karen Young (Psychologist and creator of Hey Sigmund) summarising how we can support our children if they are experiencing anxiety about coming to school.