5 CA

Mr Cameron and Miss Ash


At assembly last week, we demonstrated how tapping is being used to manage our emotions and levels of stress or anxiety.

Education in Faith/Inquiry

We have also been spending time getting to know about many of the world's major religions, what they believe, how they practise their religion, and what that means about how they may be identified. Students have also been asked to begin a task to record significant life events (as part of their home learning). If you can collect photos to add to this timeline, it would be helpful when we come to complete the task at the end of the term.

Last week saw us celebrate Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday marking the beginning of Lent. 


We have worked really hard on our Shape unit for the past two weeks. We investigated 2D shapes and 3D objects. We did this in many different ways, such as making, drawing, taking photos, labelling, gluing, measuring and using new Apps on our iPads. 

We talked about faces, edges, vertices, corners, sides where we then began to measure angles. 

This week we have started our unit on Fractions. Fractions are a big focus for us in Grade 5 and we will use lots of our other mathematical knowledge to learn more about fractions. We started by making and visualising fractions by making them with play dough and made fractions of a whole and fractions of a collection. We will continue this unit next week also. 


Summarising has been a big focus for us so far this term. We have practiced this skill during our Reading and Writing lessons. Below are some photos of some summaries we have written after reading about the religion of Hinduism. This text was also connecting to our Inquiry unit. 



Our Year 3 and Year 5 students will be sitting the NAPLAN assessments from the 15th-20th March. Your child does not need to do anything extra to prepare for these assessments. We simply encourage our students to do their best on the day. 

You can discover more about NAPLAN at https://www.nap.edu.au/ 


Have a fabulous weekend to everyone :)

Mr Cameron & Miss Ash