1/2 T

A warm welcome to the 1/2T team for our new student, Sapfo!

Kindness Grows

We have continued to use a range of books to inspire our reading and writing. 

One very special book that we read this week as part of our Inquiry/Education in Faith  learning was called Kindness Grows, by Britta Teckentrup.

"It all starts with a crack that we can hardly see, 
It happens when we shout or if we disagree. 
But with every kindness that we care to show, 
Something good and magical then begins to grow". 

The book uses a tree to demonstrate that angry words and thoughtlessness can cause a crack to open up, but as the story goes on we find that when kindness is shared, 

the tree begins to blossom. 


This is opening up discussions  about how we can share kindness and make it grow, 

by committing to changing our behaviours, not just during Lent but all the time, 

and this can help us grow into the best people we can be. 

It is also allowing us to start exploring our Catholic Identity, 

by linking these ideas to ways we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Click on the book above to listen to the story.



Last week we continued our work on days of the week, months of the year and seasons. We considered how long things take to do by sorting events into a long time or a short time. We then discovered that we can compare durations - brushing your teeth takes a shorter time than watching a movie, but takes a longer time than sneezing. We also created our own calendars and used them to find the day or date certain things were happening and some people were even able to consider how many days there were between particular events.


Counting has been a daily focus, and we have discovered that when we need to count large collections of objects it is helpful to place those items into groups, allowing us to count more efficiently. 


Look forward to seeing you all at tomorrow night's Family Picnic!