1/2 K


We have been reading lots of amazing stories with a focus on vocabulary. The children have been listening for interesting words and discussing what these words mean based on the context of the word in the sentence. Read how the children have used these words in their own sentences about their favourite part of the story.


Last week we continued our work on days of the week, months of the year and seasons. We continued to listen to songs and work on activities to promote our quick recall of the days of the week and the months of the year. We then created a calendar for the month of Febuary and added events that occur at school as well as events we attend outside school. The children then learnt how to recognise the days and dates that particular events occur on such as 'what the date is on the first Saturday of the month' and 'what day are we going to mass'. Some children were even able to consider how many days there were between particular events on their calendars.


This week counting has been a daily focus, and we have discovered that when we need to count large collections of objects it is helpful to place those items into groups, allowing us to count more efficiently. 

Ed in Faith

One very special book that we read this week as part of our Education in Faith  learning was called Kindness Grows, by Britta Teckentrup. Through the imagery of a tree growing, this beautiful book explores the effects that harsh words, disagreements, and shouting can cause on friendships. But if we spread kindness instead through offering words of encouragement, sharing, caring for others, and playing together we can make our friendships stronger and grow. 

This story opened up discussions about how we can share kindness and make it grow within our friendship groups, out classroom and our school. The children committed to small acts of kindness they could complete, not just during Lent but all the time, to help us grow into the best people we can be. It also allowed us to further explore our Catholic Identity, by linking these acts of kindness to ways we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Family Picnic

Just a reminder that the family picnic night is this Friday the 3rd of March starting at 5pm-7pm at the school. Please come along and enjoy a funfilled evening with your classmates and their families. Students may wear free dress, dont forget your picnic rug, snacks and drinks.