Curriculum Matters

HASS is a combination of History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship - this term, we are focusing on Civics & Citizenship. The students will be developing their understandings around the unit: "What if we could be the government?" They will enquire into "How and why decisions are made democratically?" and " How and why people make rules?", as well as investigating the difference between rules and laws.
The Arts
This term, students will participate in a range of arts activities including, visual arts, music and dance. Each term, they will work on a different focus and will rotate through all areas. LA16/17 will focus on Dance and Music this term in the Gym on Thursdays and LA18/19 will focus on Visual and Creative Arts.
Physical Education
Students will receive one 50-minute lesson of Physical Education each with week, with either Anton Starr or Bill Georgaris.
The new Australian Curriculum for Health and PE will be used in our planning and teaching this year. Students will be engaged in a broad range of physical activities this year including:
- movement awareness
- manipulative movement skills (throwing, catching, kicking, as well as striking, dribbling and passing a ball)
- modified sports/games skills
- cooperation games
- circuit work
- balance challenges
From time to time, additional sporting clinics will be conducted by visiting specialist sports development officers.
In Year 3 and 4 students begin to perform a broad range of complex motor skills, mainly in sport-specific situations. They begin to use and understand basic games' tactics and are encouraged to show fair play and respect their to their peers and officials.
Students will practise and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations. They will examine the benefits of physical activity and fitness to health and well-being and will apply basic rules and scoring systems and demonstrate fair play when participating.
Later this term, our lessons will have an Athletics focus, in preparation for our Sports Day on May 7th.
Students are reminded to wear suitable clothing and footwear to all PE lessons to ensure their full participation.
Languages Other than English
Please click the links to read the news from German and Greek which was also in last week's school newsletter.
Greek News from Voula Pagonis
German News from Libby Edwards and Alisha Fox