Welcome back to 2015!

Morning/Afternoon Routines
Thank you to our families for staying on the school yard until the bell - this is because we only have staff on duty on the main playground and near the flag poles. Children have been reminded that they need to congregate where duty teachers can see them.
It is expected that students arrive at the Torrens classroom doors by 8:50am where they will be welcomed by staff. If students arrive after the roll has been sent to the office, they will be marked as late. Unfortunately, mornings are busy times for staff getting organised for the day and families are politely asked to speak with us after school wherever possible.
Children are encouraged to organise their own bags and belongings onto the lockers outside each room and ensure any devices are brought into the classroom.
Communicating with staff
Every child has a diary and the main purpose is so children can organise their time, homework and any notes they have from home/school. Parents may like to use the diary to write short notes but the preferred method of communication is email. We aim to respond as soon as possible.
It is extremely helpful if staff receive email communication regarding absences before 8:30am.
LA19 - Mike.Tarleton884@schools.sa.edu.au
LA18 - Kathryn.Baker265@schools.sa.edu.au
LA17 - Cate.Berden564@schools.sa.edu.au
LA16 - Sofia.Andreucci891@schools.sa.edu.au
Our specialist teachers are also happy to help...
SCI - Michelle.Harous405@schools.sa.edu.au
PE - Bill.Georgaris106@schools.sa.edu.au
GER - Elizabeth.Edwards559@schools.sa.edu.au
GRE - Voula.Pagonis555@schools.sa.edu.au
Classroom Agreements
During the first few weeks of term, all four Torrens classes have been developing their Classroom Agreements.
We have six areas for our agreements - Learning, Communication, Treatment, Safety, Conflict (Problem Solving) and Movement. Children have discussed and devised rules for each area. You will be able to locate a copy of the class agreement in your child's reading diary.
Children have also discussed consequences for not following the classroom agreements...
- Reminder
- Warning
- Short Time Out Reflection
- Buddy Class Time Out
- Office Time Out