Important Dates for your diary

Term 1

6/3/15 - Pupil Free Day

9/3/15 - Adelaide Cup - Public Holiday


Friday 13/3/15 - Torrens Assembly


20/3/15 - Harmony Day

3/4/15 - Good Friday

6/4/15 - Easter Monday

9/4/15 - Torrens Big Day Out!

Term 2

Thursday 30/4/15 - School Photograph Day

Thursday 7/5/15 - Sports Day

Term 3

Bike Education Year 4's - Dates TBC

Term 4

Zoo Snooze - Dates TBC

2/11/15-6/11/15 - Swimming Y3/4

13/11/15 - School Closure

Big Day Out

At the end of every term, Torrens students will have a celebration to reward the excellent behaviour and learning. At class meetings, each Learning Area will determine the success criteria for attending the end of term celebration.