Chaplain's Update

What’s the BUZ – From the Chaplain’s Desk
Chaplaincy – At MDHS we care about our students and are keen to see them thrive in all areas of their lives; academically, socially, and emotionally. As a Youthcare Chaplain here at MDHS my key focus is to support social and emotional wellbeing of our students. I am available to touch base with students one on one or in groups. We can look at strategies that will help them manage their emotions, deal with “stuff” they may be struggling with, provide support in managing conflict issues they may have with peers or just be a listening ear. We also have great resources to share with students and parents alike that can be of help. We want to make sure that our kids are given the best possible opportunity to learn, grow and shine. If you have any queries feel free to contact me on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays at the school, alternatively you can email me at
Breakfast Club News - Breakfast Club is up and running again every Monday to Friday morning. Breakfast Club is a great opportunity for students to have a top-up after long bus journeys or a rushed morning or simply to come and catch up with everyone before the school day begins. It is also an opportunity for staff to have a relaxed chat with students at the beginning of the day.
Breakfast Club is one of the many ways in which we help to provide support to our student’s overall wellbeing here at MDHS, preparing them for the day and giving them a positive schooling experience. We are very grateful to FoodBank who kindly donate to the breakfast club program. They provide tinned fruit, cereal, milk, vegemite and fruit and juice when available however there are a few items they are unable to supply and, for those we rely on donations from our community. If you would like to contribute to Breakfast Club below is a list of what would be helpful.
Bread - wholemeal
Donations can be dropped at the front office or students can drop them directly to Breakfast Club in the mornings.