Latest Information

We are very lucky to have Maree and her Storydog, Digby, come into the PP-Year 4 classes on a Friday morning. When children read to a dog, the outcomes are amazing! It is a non-judgemental setting, the children's focus improves, their literacy skills increase and their confidence soars. The accepting, loving nature of dogs gives this program its magic and helps children relax, open up, try harder and have fun while reading to a friendly, calm dog.
Scitech Weather Wall
This Term, the Primary classes will be participating in the Scitech Weather wall. This involves recording the rainfall for the week and submitting these details to Scitech on a weekly basis along with submitting a class photo which will appear on the GWN Weather each fortnight. We will send home permission slips this week for your children's images to be shown on TV.
Please ensure you have downloaded the Compass Education App and the Seesaw app to receive the most current updates from the school. If you have any issues, please let us know. Please ensure you fill in any permission slips sent out online or in hard copy and return them in a timely manner.
Please see the Parent Communication guide as a reference for communication from the school.