School Information

School-Based Immunisation

Please find the links below for information relating to the School-based immunisation program.

Student Assistance Scheme (Secondary Students)

The Secondary Assistance Scheme is available to parents/guardians with children enrolled in secondary schooling who hold an eligible concession card.  The Secondary Assistance Scheme comprises of an Education Program Allowance which is paid to the school and a Clothing Allowance that is paid to the parent.  (If the student is enrolled in a public school, the parent may nominate the clothing allowance be paid to the school).

For public schools, the Educational Program Allowance (EPA) of $235 for students in Years 7 to 10 will be paid to the school and will be applied towards the voluntary contribution.  Any balance will be applied against charges or as negotiated with the parent/guardian. For students in Years 11 to 12 the EPA will be applied to cover charges in the first instance. We will send home forms with ALL Secondary students this week.  Please return them with a copy of your relevant concession card.