German News
Deutsch für die Zukunft
(German for the Future)
This year we are delighted to have the assistance of our 2023 German Captain, Flynn.
Flynn has demonstrated a wonderful passion and enthusiasm towards his German language learning since commencing at Rangeview. He has participated in the German Poetry Competition in Year 5 with excellent results.
Flynn has also written a fabulous introduction about himself in German and English. Enjoy:
Hallo, mein Name ist Flynn Pierce und ich bin der Deutsch Captain 2023 für Rangeview.
Ich spiele Volleyball, Tennis und gehe Klettern. Ich mag Katzen sehr gerne und habe zwei zu Hause. Ich bin halb Deutsch, halb Australisch, aber mein Lieblingsessen ist Mexikanisch.
Ich bin zweisprachig aufgewachsen. Mein Vater spricht Englisch mit mir, meine Mutter Deutsch.
Ich reise gerne nach Deutschland, um meine ganze Familie und Freunde zu sehen.
Als Deutsch Captain kann ich mein Interesse an der deutschen Sprache einsetzen und in der Schule mithelfen.
Hello, my name is Flynn Pierce and I am the 2023 German Captain at Rangeview.
I play volleyball, tennis and go rock climbing. I like cats and I have 2 at home. I’m half German and half Australian but my favourite food is Mexican.
I’ve grown up bilingual, which means with two languages. My dad speaks English with me, my mum German. I love travelling to Germany to see my whole family and friends.
I think being German Captain is a great way to express my love of German and help out at the school.
By our German Captain, Flynn
There are more than 25,000 palaces and castles in Germany. Many of them are renovated, but some lie in ruins. Most of them are visited for their importance in the country's history. For many centuries, Germany was a region with fragmented territories and Central Europe was ruled by various emperors, kings, and counts.
There are more than 3200 officially recognized types of bread in Germany according to the “German Institute of Bread”.
Germany is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition as we now know it in the 16th century when devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes.
Should you have any queries about how to best support your child’s German language development, we would love to hear from you.
Frau Ulrike Lindner Frau Helga Shaw
Frau Megan Taylor