Parents' and Friends' Association
Hi All,
I would like to thank those parents who joined us for the P&FA AGM last week. It was good to see some new faces as well as those that regularly attend.
At our election, Lizzie Edwards stepped down from the President’s position after 6 years. She has left big shoes to fill but has offered to be by my side to assist me in my new role as President. Also, Sally Trigg has stepped down from her Treasurer role as she now has a position on the College Board’s finance committee. Our new office bearers for 2023 are:
President – Yvette Valentine
Vice President – unfilled
Treasurer – Jen Inglis
Secretary – Lizzie Edwards
If you would like to fill the position of Vice President, please feel free to contact me.
Our first task of the year will be to assist with the Giving Day on March 10th. I have created an electronic sign-up sheet for anyone who is able to help for 2 hours on the day. To access this please open the link:
The P&FA also a Facebook messenger group to keep interested parents up to date with what the we are doing. If you would like to join, please let me know so this can be done. The P&FA can only work with your help. “Many hands make light work”. The more hands we have, the less we all must do.
I look forward to meeting many of you throughout the year.
Many Thanks
Yvette Valentine