Student Leadership


School Ambassadors

Amy and Declan 


School House Captains

Lacey - Michael, Stewart - Chloe, George - Ziarn and MacKillop - James.


Student Representatives

Tilly and Logan 


Our Student Representatives have been busy brainstorming how they can help to engage students in different 'clubs' or 'activities' during break times. They are going to begin with both a 'Drawing Club' and 'Chess Club' in the coming weeks. 

Tilly and Logan are going to present their ideas at the 5/6 Assembly next week, and look forward to kicking off their clubs the week after.


Drawing Club

  • First break Tuesdays and Wednesday's outdoors on the tables.
  • Tilly and Logan will choose a topic or theme for the week, to then share with and lead students in Drawing Club. Student work from Drawing Club will be displayed in an Art Gallery in the school foyer.


Chess Club

  • Second break on Thursdays
  • Members and teachers of Chess