Principal's Panorama

Miss Justine Goonan


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to the 2023 school year to all of our students, staff and families, especially those that are new to the Sacred Heart School community.


I was incredibly fortunate to teach our wonderful new Foundation (and Year One) students on their first day of school, a privilege to be able to see them learn about the new world of school on their first official day. 

As you know from my previous staffing update, we were waiting for Amy Whitehead's PTT (Permission to Teach) registration to come through and with thanks to CES Ltd and the VIT board, this was able to come through a lot sooner than expected and she is officially now, Miss Whitehead, teacher of F/1 at Sacred Heart School. In a short time, Amy is already creating positive relationships with her students, meeting parents and carers and has become a valuable member of our teaching staff. 


Amy Lockwood has been supporting the Year 5 & 6 students on Thursdays and Fridays, while I anticipated that I would be in the F/1 classroom. Now that, that isn't the case, I look forward to moving in to supporting the Year 5 & 6 students and Amy Lockwood can focus on leading our Specialist Classes with all students. 


All of our students have been so settled and focused on their learning to begin the 2023 school year, which is wonderful to see. 


Our Swimming Carnival with Walwa PS was a great day, the weather was perfect and it was a great celebration of our students skills and 'Have a go' attitudes! Our SHS staff ran a fantastic day of events for our students. It was wonderful to see so many parents, carers and families from SHS there to support their child/ren throughout the day.  Next week, Amy , James and Chloe have qualified for Division Swimming in Wodonga and we wish them the very best of luck!


Part of the success of our Swimming Carnival was due to the leadership of our House Sport Captains. They did a fantastic job supporting and helping the Junior students and staff throughout their events. Since beginning the year our 2023 Leadership group have taken their roles very seriously, from organising extra clubs/activities at break times, being positive role models at break times, helping to organise resources and activities, it has been great to see them take on their roles with such responsibility and eagerness. We look forward to continuing to develop their leadership and roles throughout the year.


We have lots to look forward to over the next few weeks (please see the outline of events below) at SHS, and to find out all of the updated information, your child/children's teacher will send home a weekly update via email, Kasie and I will provide updates on our Private SHS Parent and Carer's Facebook Page as well as additional email updates. 




Principal, Sacred Heart School




A Prayer for After an Earthquake 


As we watch the News in recent days, we are shown the utter devastation that the people of Turkey and Syria are currently experiencing. We pray for them, and hold them in our thoughts. 


Lord, at times such as this,  when we realise that the ground beneath our feet  is not as solid as we had imagined, we plead for your mercy.


As the things we have built crumble about us, we know too well how small we truly are on this ever-changing, ever-moving, fragile planet we call home. Yet you have promised never to forget us.


Do not forget us now.


Today, so many people are afraid. They wait in fear of the next tremor. They hear the cries of the injured amid the rubble. They roam the streets in shock at what they see. And they fill the dusty air with wails of grief and the names of missing dead.


Comfort them, Lord, in this disaster. Be their rock when the earth refuses to stand still, and shelter them under your wings when homes no longer exist.


Embrace in your arms those who died so suddenly this day.  Console the hearts of those who mourn, and ease the pain of bodies on the brink of death.


Pierce, too, our hearts with compassion, we who watch from afar, as the poorest on this side of the earth find only misery upon misery.


Move us to act swiftly this day, to give generously every day, to work for justice always, and to pray unceasingly for those without hope.


And once the shaking has ceased, the images of destruction have stopped filling the news, and our thoughts return to life’s daily rumblings, let us not forget that we are all your children and they, our brothers and sisters. We are all the work of your hands


For though the mountains leave their place and the hills be tossed to the ground, your love shall never leave us, and your promise of peace will never be shaken.


Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Blessed be the name of the Lord, now and forever.




Copyright © 2010, Diana Macalintal, Diocese of San Jose, CA. Permission is given to reprint for non-commercial use. Originally written after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.



Upcoming Term One events at SHS

Week Four

15th of February - Year 5/6 Incursion (onsite) with Regional Arts Victoria for 'Improvaganza'

16th of February - Year 5/6 Excursion (offsite - Memorial Hall) with Regional Arts Victoria for an 'Improvaganza' performance.

                                 - Cricket Victoria/Woolworths Cricket sessions for all students

17th of February - Year 5/6 Assembly at 2.30 pm, Parents and Families welcome to attend.


Week Five

20th of February - P & F Meeting

                                 - CES Speech Pathologist visit to SHS

21st of February - Shrove Tuesday

22nd of February - Ash Wednesday Mass at 12 pm, all parishioners, parents and families welcome to attend this Mass with students.

23rd of February - Cricket Victoria/Woolworths Cricket sessions for all students


Week Six

1st of March - SHS Family BBQ (More details to follow)

2nd of March - Cricket Victoria/Woolworths Cricket sessions for all students

                           - Regional Arts Victoria Incursion for 'Fairytale Cookbook' sessions

3rd of March - Regional Arts Victoria Incursion for 'Fairytale Cookbook' sessions


Week Seven

9th of March - Cricket Victoria/Woolworths Cricket sessions for all students

                         - CES Speech Pathologist visit to SHS

10th of March - Year 2/3/4 Assembly at 2.30 pm, Parents and Families welcome to attend.