Principal's Report

Term 1
It is extremely pleasing to report to the school community that the students have experienced an excellent start to the school year. They are busily engaged in learning activities within their classroom and acting responsibly on the playground.
Concord School Council and Elections
As was communicated earlier this week via Compass, we are currently seeking nominations from parent/carers to join the School Council of Concord School. This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the operation of the school and education of your children. Please email me if you have any questions at all or would like a nomination form. Nominations close next Monday, 27th February, at 4pm.
The meeting on Monday evening was the final School Council meeting for our School Council President, Mark Lancaster, as his son Travis completed his schooling last year. Mark served on School Council for 13 years with the last 11 as President. I’d like to thank Mark for his contribution to our school. His wisdom, guidance and sense of humour have contributed to the effectiveness of School Council and operation of the school. Thank you, Mark!
Home-School Communication Plan
At the beginning of 2021, a Home-School Communication Plan was developed by the School Council following consultation with the school community. The purpose of this was to ensure effective and consistent communication across the school. Please note that communication is through Compass so it is important that you can log into Compass and are familiar with its functionality. If you require any assistance with Compass, please contact Karen Jordan on 94673972 or or click on Parent Guide to Compass
The Home-School Communication Plan is attached below for your reference. If you are not receiving communication from your child’s teacher in accordance with this plan then please contact the teacher in the first instance, or the Team Leader of your child’s section.
These are the minimum expectations in regard to Home-School Communication at Concord School.
Staffing News
For a complete list of our school staff, please go to the ‘Our Staff’ section of the school website Concord School - Our Staff
Student Behaviour
In 2023, Concord School once again has high expectations regarding student behaviour. Our students will be given the support they require to learn and succeed to the best of their ability and behaviour such as bullying, swearing, disobedience and property damage is completely unacceptable at school as well as in our society.
Parents/carers will be contacted, and a conference convened if the student continues to breach school rules. The school places a high priority on making sure all students and staff work together in an environment that supports, encourages and stimulates learning and social development.
School Uniform
This is a reminder that it is compulsory for all students to wear the full school uniform each day and that the school uniform policy is strictly enforced. Thank you to parents/carers who have supported their children in wearing the correct school uniform.
For parents/carers of students in Years 7-12, class teachers will have informed you as to which days the sports uniform is to be worn.
Please contact Melanie Jackson in the office at the Bundoora Campus regarding purchases of uniform. Further information, including policies and price lists, can be found through the school website at School Uniform - Concord School
School Council Meeting
School Council Meeting was held at 7:00pm on Monday 20 February 2023 onsite at the Bundoora Campus in which the following matters were discussed:
- School Uniform – Concord Spray Jacket
- Concord School Building Works
- Works have resumed with the building to be completed by 2nd November 2023 and the landscaping by 21st February 2024
- Home -School Communication Plan 2023
- Camping Program
- School Council Elections
- Student Representative Council
- Departure Time for the Last Day of each Term
Principal Award - Ryder Seaborn
Ryder started at Concord at the beginning of Term 1 and has settled in wonderfully. He has demonstrated resilience in persisting and being flexible through challenges.
Ryder has an excellent attitude towards his learning and is always eager to ask questions and try new things. He is already upholding all of the Concord School Expectations and is friendly towards all staff and students.
Ryder should be very proud of his achievements so far and keep up the great work for 2023.
Jason Coningsby