
Community Mass

Community Mass next Friday will be prepared by students in Year 9. Our Friday liturgies reflect so much of what is good in the College: joy, positive relationships, student leadership, participation and the call to ‘seek justice’ in our community and our world. New families are especially welcome – just come to the Chapel at 8:00am.  There are no reserved seats and all the responses are projected on a screen, so it is ‘user-friendly’.


Students go to their homeroom when Mass ends at 8:30am, while in the adjacent Circle of Friends Café, there is coffee (or tea). Families and friends are welcome for a quick espresso before rushing off or for a chance to linger and talk over a latte.


Community Mass details:

  • College Chapel
  • Fridays in term time
  • Starts: 8:00am and concludes 8:30am.

Do you have a child in Year 3, 4 or 6?

It is a special year for these students as they look forward to celebrating the sacraments in their parish with their family. 


It is the parent’s right and responsibility to enrol their child in a parish sacrament program, and you are encouraged to get this done at the earliest. It is worth noting that even children preparing for sacraments in a Catholic school still need to be enrolled in the parish if they intend to participate.


Please be mindful that, due to numbers, some parishes (eg Saint Thomas, Claremont) will not be able to accept enrolments from families living outside the parish geographical boundary. Parish sacrament programs may vary, but usually include a workshop and commitment Mass as well as attending the rehearsal.


Please see the College website for enrolment information received from City Beach, Claremont, Doubleview and Subiaco parishes.


The sacrament program is family-focused, parish-based, Catholic school-supported. This means that parents are respected as first educators in the faith of their children and celebrate the sacraments in their parish with their children. 


The family is supported by the College Religious Education program. In Year 3, students are taught the content for First Reconciliation; in Year 4, the content for First Holy Communion and in Year 6, the content for Confirmation. 


If you would like further information about the Sacrament Program please contact: