Community Events Team 

Anne Treasure 


Wominjeka Picnic on Tuesday 21 February

What is it? A relaxed school community picnic to kick off the year, with an Acknowledgement of Country by a Wurundjeri Elder. 

What time? The picnic will be from 5-7pm, with the Acknowledgment of Country planned for 5:30pm 

What should I bring? Bring a picnic rug or chairs, plus a picnic dinner for your family (or get together with a group to share a picnic) 

Can I buy extra snacks or drinks? We will be making and selling pizza slices and selling popcorn and flavoured mineral water. There won’t be enough for dinner, but enough to get a “taste” of some of the good things about BNWPS! 

Can I help out? Yes please! We need people to help set up, serve/cook, and pack up on the night. Click this link to put your name down. 

Should I leave my rubbish and belongings lying around the school grounds? NO!!! Before you leave, please check if you or those around you may have left anything on the ground and pick it up! 


We need help at the Wominjeka picnic (see above)!  

Please consider volunteering as a class representative - this will help our ability to communicate and connect. (details in BNW Wk 1 Newsletter)

CET dates:

Plant and Produce Market - 3 March: bake or bring plants/produce, and/or set up and serve at the market 2:30-4pm. 

Grade 3-6 Cross Country - 17 March: we will need parent helpers in the morning to help Tom keep the kids safe and on the right path. (years 3-6) 

Trivia Night - 27 May: our super-fun night of trivia, dancing and fancy dress - find a babysitter and put it in your diary now!

Buildings and Grounds Committee dates:

Working Bee: Saturday 4th March from 9:30 - 12:30pm - help with new garden projects!


If you want to get in touch about community events, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 

Buildings and Grounds:

Please see your Term 1 school calendar for dates or pick up one from the front office!

All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.