Meet the Middles Team 

Celia Dickinson

This is Celia’s 20th year here at BNWPS.  For the last four years, Celia has been working part time and sharing a class with Emma.  Before teaching in Melbourne Celia taught in Primary and Secondary schools in New Zealand. This year is particularly exciting, as it’s Kowhai (her daughter) first year of school.  Celia enjoys reading, gardening and spending time with family and friends. 


Emma is one half of Unit ER and this year she is looking forward to working alongside Rebecca to teach their Middles class. In addition to this, Emma is also our Literacy leader, so part of her time at school is spent working in this role. When not at school, Emma loves spending time with her family and friends, and having lots of adventures with her two sons Jack and Charlie.


Rebecca has been teaching at BNWPS for 13 years. She has taught all year levels, and is excited to be back in the Middles after taking some time away on maternity leave. Rebecca lives with her partner Michael, their two daughters Ruby and Pearl, their dog Agatha and their ancient cat Moe. Outside of school she enjoys reading, playing at the park or beach and making wild costumes for Ruby.


Tim first set foot on BNWPS soil in 2013 as a student teacher where Ann taught him everything he knows.  The next year he began his journey as a real life teacher. 9 years later, he is still here!  Tim has two young children, 6 & 3.  He works 3 days a week and gets to spend time with his youngest son on the other two days.  Maya is Tim’s dog and will adventure back into the classroom this year.  A well known fact about Tim is that he is from the planet Coffeen and needs to replenish his caffeine levels regularly or face the slow death.


Kate has been part of the BNWPS since 2008. (Her first Foundies at the school are 21 now!). She has taught all grade levels except seniors, as well as Art across the school. This is her second year sharing a class with Tim, teaching 3/4s. Kate is lucky to live close by and walks to school with her two boys that are also part of the BNWPS community. Kate loves any chance to create things or spend time with cherished friends. This year Kate is also teaching Foundie Art.


This is Lian’s second year teaching middles at BNWPS and they are excited to have a whole class to themselves! Lian lives with their partner Lena, their fabulous toddler Linden, a rescue kelpie called Sally and two elderly guinea pigs. In their spare time they like reading, drawing and painting, and going to museums to look at dinosaurs. 


This is Ernesto’s second year teaching at BNWPS and super thrilled to be a middles teacher. He is passionate about Environment & Sustainability, and integrating STEM into his student’s learning experiences. Ernesto and his partner are kept busy by their 3yo daughter, Avery, and staffy Sammy. On his own time, he enjoys playing volleyball, cycling and socialising with friends and family over food.