Buongiorno a tutti!


Come stai?


This week, our Monday Italian classes are FINALMENTE getting back to normal. It’s lovely to see the children again and to have the opportunity to explore some new language together.


In both Italian and Supported Italian, students are given pegs when they participate well, engage in the learning and show their thinking skills. At the end of each semester, the students with the highest peg tally are awarded a small prize. The awards from Semester 1 go to:

                Prep A: William B, Oscar, Elizabeth, Maddison, Connor & Harriet


                1/2K: Henry, Lucy & Christopher


                1/2L: Emily, Noah D, Audrey & Morgan


                3/4C: Nicola, Max, Jonah & Samantha


                3/4ES: Sharni, Noah S, Jess & Mabel


                5/6A: Eloise, Indi & Jaime


                5/6BP: Emily, Ollie & Raf


Auguri to all these students. The competition was tough this semester and Signorina Liv and I are constantly amazed at how quickly the children are picking up and using a lot of new language throughout the school.


We are continuing to focus on functional language that the students will be able to use in everyday life. Here are the main topics for each year level this term:


Prep – items of stationery, how to ask for and respond to requests for objects
1/2 – weather, how to ask about and describe the weather on particular days and how to describe why you like or don’t like particular kinds of weather
3/4 – game language, how to play a variety of games using only Italian
5/6 – transport, how to ask and describe how you get from one place to another


If you have any questions about out Italian program, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Grazie e ciao


Signora Facchinetti