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Yay to the end of term, dear parents! On Friday GOSH will start at 1.30 pm.

Our Holiday Program starts next week, and you still can book children at


Last week had theme 'You don't know me...', during which children were showing us their talents and hidden skills.

On Tuesday we played AFL, soccer, and basketball outside, while indoors Ella, Roger, Michelle, Lara, Lily with Lily and Maya were making butterflies and some colouring.

On Wednesday afternoon Maya, Lara, Jessica, Roger, Isabella, Harriet, Sebastian, Lily and Michelle made microphones as a follow up activity for our theme.

Outside Jai, Marco, Xavier and Elijah were helping Ryger to organise group games.

Thursday brought us a huge group craft activity- making animals from pipe cleaners. All children took part in it! Lara N created a fantastic looking dragon, which lives on my working table now! Elijah made a chameleon, Michelle made a spider with big google eyes, as well as cat's ears and tail. Others created snails, lions, giraffes, and fighting penguins (don't ask what it is!).

On Friday afternoon we practiced lockdown and for the first time this year children were following all the rules, were quiet, and it took us just 40 seconds to isolate and hide ourselves (23 people in total). After this drill, Matilda offered to help Ryger to organise group games, while Lara, Alexander, and Roger were making Rainbow happy cards for their families, writing their own poems and/or wishes inside.


On this optimistic note, I'd love to wish all of you to have wonderful weekend and school holidays!

We will miss you! 

Kateryna and Ryger

Simonds Catholic College