St Simon's Community Fete Sat. 20th November 2021


Everyone is looking forward to the Fete, and we need all hands on deck to make the day a success. Wonderful events like the Fete don’t just happen – it takes teamwork and community spirit. We are asking families and individuals to set aside some time on Fete Day itself (Nov. 20), especially for the clean-up and on the day before (Nov. 19) to set up the stalls and other attractions. Perhaps you could plan this in your diary / calendar. Your valuable time and help is greatly appreciated, and it all contributes to a successful Fete for our community. 

We are looking for a Stall Captain(s) for the Cappuccino Bar stall. Barista experience would be highly desirable but not essential. Please contact the parish office ( if you can help, and stay tuned for regular updates.   


 We are looking to again offer attractive prizes for the Fete Raffle this year. We are seeking donations of prizes with a value of over $500 from our local business community. If you are not “the boss”, perhaps you could ask the person at work who could make such a contribution. In return for such a generous donation, we will promote those businesses on the tickets, in the Fete flyer, bulletin, online and on the day. If you own a business, or know a business that could help us, please contact the parish.