Religious Education

Pope Francis has established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will take place for the first time on Sunday 25 July 2021. This date was designated to coincide with the feast day of St Joachim and St Anne, Jesus’ grandparents.  As parents of Jesus’s earthly mother, Saint Anne and Saint Joachim must have been faithful, devoted parents indeed. 


Reflecting on the legacy of Saints Anne and Joachim, we acknowledge the vital role played by all grandparents in completing the loving family unit and nurturing the faith of future generations. Grandparents can take a vital part in the training of their grandchildren, teaching them to love the ways of the Lord and honor his commandments. 

Grandparents are repositories of wisdom and history. Their experience in faith and life has enriched their judgment, rendering them invaluable counsels for the generations that follow. They remember the heritage of the family and share it with future generations. As Pope Francis  related

How important grandparents are for family life, for passing on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for each and every society! How important it is to have intergenerational exchanges and dialogue, especially within the context of the family. The Aparecida Document says, “Children and the elderly build the future of peoples: children because they lead history forward, the elderly because they transmit the experience and wisdom of their lives” (No. 447). This relationship and this dialogue between generations is a treasure to be preserved and strengthened!  Find attached a copy of Pope Francis'  message

Let us pray...

Bless all Grandparents and keep them in Your care. Bless them with peace, health and healing. Reward them for their Faith and fidelity, for their work and goodness, for their love and thoughtfulness, for their gifts and prayers. Give them a long and happy life together. May old age come to them in the company of family and friends. And when life is over, unite them again, where parting will be no more, in the Kingdom of Your love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

    Composed by the late Msgr. Joseph Quinn

Also attached is a list of fun activities children can share with grandparents or elderly friends.

One of our Year 6 students Jack Gill, along with some of his peers, gave  an insightful presentation at the Junior Mayor Competition about the importance of caring for our elderly. Hopefully his message can be be a catalyst for change so that elderly wont feel as lonely and isolated. May we take the time to bring God's love and compassion to the elderly and frail and appreciate their unique contributions to family and to  society.  Something we can all aspire to work towards.