History & Traditions


The Music Learning Area has had a long and distinguished history at Baimbridge College. Currently, the earliest known trophy is the Annual Talent Quest First Prize Choir Trophy 1944.

Recently, a former student, Mr. Bob Chandler, who attended Hamilton High School returned to Baimbridge College for a tour of the Barbara Critten Arts Centre so that he could share his memories. Mr Chandler brought with him a historical photograph of the Hamilton High School (now Baimbridge College) band, who were the winners of the 1973 and the 1975 state championship in both Victoria and South Australia.

Pictured below. Mr. Bob Chandler and Mr. Glenn Hayes displaying the trophy the Band won in 1975. The trophy that the School Band won can be seen in both the original 1975 photograph and in the photograph taken in February 2020.


  Hamilton High School Marching Band. 1975.

Mr. Chandler, said that when he was at school there was both, a Brass Band and a Marching Band. He say’s that he values the many enduring and lasting friendships made during his school years and that he continues feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in the many grand achievements attained. Some of the Band members have moved on to live abroad, while others continue to live and work locally, here in Hamilton.


If you have an historical artefact or story to tell, please contact Baimbridge College so that we can share our prestigious history and traditions with others in our community.

Baimbridge College. History and Traditions. Article Researched by Mr. G. Hayes. Written by Mr.S. Constantine.